Ippo is Respect's Head of Services, leading on Membership, Training, Events, Accreditation for male victims and Helplines.
Ippo joined Respect in 2004 to set up the Respect Phoneline, a pilot helpline for domestic abuse perpetrators. As Phoneline Coordinator, he was the third member of staff Respect employed. In 2007, Ippo relaunched the Men's Advice Line, a helpline for male victims of domestic abuse.
Ippo has a strong interest in data collection and analysis that support evidence-based service delivery and learning dissemination. Ippo has helped develop Respect's Toolkit for Work with Male Victims, training for frontline workers and the Respect Male Victims' Standard, UK's first accreditation scheme for services supporting male victims.
Ippo's other work passion is operational efficiencies. He often boasts to his colleagues about making Respect a paperless organisation 'on the cloud', long before it became fashionable. The most fulfilling work moments, though, are every time the Helplines get feedback from service users expressing gratitude for the support they receive.
When Ippo's not at work, he loves planting sunflower seeds, waiting for them to bloom with as much patience as a child waiting for Santa Claus.