Christina is a sociologist specialised in criminology, coming from lovely Greece, with the ambition to contribute towards a positive social impact. A passionate person, full of energy and excited to take on new challenges.
In her four years of working in the domestic abuse sector in London, she has had the opportunity to work in various job roles starting as intern for the community-safety team in Havering covering some work around Serious Youth Violence, Anti-Social behaviour, Counter Terrorism and Domestic Violence, has been able to progress to a Strategic Lead Domestic Violence and VAWG Co-ordinator where among other things she was responsible for project management and commissioning a programme of Domestic Violence Homicide Reviews, strategic transformation projects and commissioned services, presenting projects and providing change management analysis in relation to the Domestic Abuse Act to the senior leadership team and cabinet, chairing MARAC, DV Operational and Strategic Steering group and other meetings and getting a successful accreditation from White Ribbon UK for the White Ribbon plan.
She has been a Charity Volunteer since 2011 at the ‘Smile of the Child’ charity who supports children who have fled their houses due to the abuse, providing them with emotional and practical support and empowering them to build a better future for themselves. Also Managing cultural events for children.
She has worked as a Rehabilitation Assistant in an Undergraduate project where she worked closely with imprisoned women to empower them and develop skills to lead healthier and independent lives once released from prison to prevent reoffending. Interviewed drug users about their experiences to understand their world.
She was nominated for the ‘Rising Star’ award in the first 4 months of the new role of DV and VAWG Strategic lead. She has created a ‘Knowledge exchange training’ project with the goal to enhance participants understanding around the work that all partner agencies offer to their clients who are victims or perpetrators of DA and not only.