Self-paced or Trainer-led online training
To meet a range of learning needs, we are offering online training as either:
-Self-paced, self-learning;(not trainer-led); or
-Trainer-led, live training;
When will we be offering training?
We will be offering training as it is developed, with courses to be available shortly. Please sign up to our monthly Respect newsletter to ensure you are kept up-to-date as when training is available.
What training are we offering?
Working with male victims of domestic abuse
This training course helps frontline workers support male victims of domestic abuse. Participants will identify the domestic abuse experiences of male victims and the barriers to help-seeking; and learn how to use the Respect Toolkit for Work with Male Victims of Domestic Abuse, so they can better meet the needs of the men they work with.
Non-member price £80+ VAT BUY
Respect Member price £50 + VAT BUY
Working with women using violence in intimate relationships
Women’s use of violence and abuse in intimate relationships differs from men’s in terms of motivation, context and impact. Women are capable of and do use violence and abuse in intimate relationships, whether heterosexual or same sex. Understanding the role of gender is important for the delivery of safe and effective interventions. This training course provides participants with knowledge about these differences and informs practice when working with women who use violence and abuse in intimate relationships.
Better engagement with perpetrators
This course will develop skills to engage in a respectful and supportive manner with perpetrators of domestic abuse. The course will give participants skills, such as early identification techniques, methods to increase engagement and motivation for change, and correct referral procedures and pathways. The course is ideal for anyone who wants to refresh their knowledge or would like an introduction to working with perpetrators.
Adolescent to parent violence and abuse
This course will increase participants’ awareness of the dynamics of adolescent to parent violence. It will explore current models of work, risk factors and common patterns of behaviour linked to this issue. The course gives special consideration to the difficulties that frontline workers may face when engaging with families.
Frequently Asked Questions
How does self-paced online training work?
Self-paced online training is entirely online and not led by a trainer, you can complete the course at your own pace.
Is it like a webinar?
No. We are using an online learning management system (Moodle) and we customise it to create an interactive and exciting training experience. We organise the content of the training in small units to make learning effective and enjoyable.
If you have any questions, please email [email protected]