Help us help perpetrators to change
Many families and relationships will feel increased pressure during Covid-19 restrictions; and for those living with domestic abuse, this could cause serious harm. At the same time, many of the support services are limited or adapted.
Nevertheless, perpetrators are still responsible for their abusive behaviours and we should hold them to account.
The Respect Phoneline is a key source of support for people concerned about their behaviour and wanting to manage and change it. Now more than ever, the Respect Phoneline is critical to perpetrators and others who are finding it difficult to manage their behaviour. We need them to know that support is out there and that there is no excuse for abuse.
On Monday 30 March, we launched a social media campaign to raise awareness of the Respect Phoneline and encourage anyone who is concerned about their behaviour to get in touch.

Key messages:
- There is no excuse for abuse
- The law still applies
- When the world feels unsafe, don’t make your home unsafe
- You still have a choice. Choose not to abuse
- Feeling stressed and worried that your behaviour might hurt the people you love?
- We are here to help you manage your behaviour.
- If you are worried you might harm a loved one, seek support before you become abusive
- If the coronavirus epidemic is putting pressure on your relationship and you are worried about your behaviour and the impact it might have on others, get help by calling the Respect Phoneline
Platforms: Instagram Twitter Facebook Linkedin
#RespectPhoneline #NoExcuseforAbuse #DomesticAbuse #SafeatHome #Covid19uk #Covid19 #Coronavirus
The campaign has been very successful. Monitoring data from 16 March, when Covid-19 measures were introduced, until 19 April, we found that:
- Calls to the Respect Phoneline increased by 97%
- Emails by 185%
- Website visitors by 581%
Can you help us help perpetrators to change?
By following Respect on the social media platforms above, you can share the campaign posts and amplify our campaign, helping us reach more perpetrators.